
GOOD MORNING, goodmorning

GOOD MORNING, good morning...*o* and what a beautiful morning it is! God has blessed me with another day!  A busy day, but another day and for that I am very grateful! Plus, Spring is just around the corner!! the flowers are poking there little heads above the ground and even thought it is raining, it is getting warmer. Going to hit 60's this week YES!!
I got up late today, due to being in a flare I am so fatigued and can sleep sleep sleep! I had therapy at 8:30 and woke at 8;00 YIKES , I had enough time to get in the shower to calm all my aching muscles and to get 3 sips of coffee in me before it was time to walk out the door. With this rain I am sooo achy and being fatigued just isn't helping me move. Well I got to therapy and I start out with hot pack on shoulder but it wasn't easy today, meds have yet to kick in and being so achy I had to remove it a few times before the 10 mins were up. Doing all the exercises were a bit challenging today do to fatigue and pain but I got through. When It was time for the therapist to work on me , he said he noticed I was struggling a lot and i let him know it was the time of morning and the weather but the shoulder is doing a lot better, he was glad that was all it was, but also was sorry I felt so lousy. I will miss therapy when it is over and that will be soon. I have come a long ways, as my shoulder ( rotter cuff has a tear) and I couldn't even lift it half way up , now I can lift it all the way up but I need MRI and cant afford it right now as I have to have one for something else which i will find out today......

I am off in a bit to a new neurolgist....sighs...I am so NOT a fan of Dr's but I am trying to get SS DI and that means many Dr's till it happens. This is only the beginning since I moved and changed Dr's. I do have a great Rheumatology Dr who is working with me so that's a great thing! The one I had back north Jersey was horrible, all he wanted to do was fill me with meds NO thank you!!

So as you see it is a busy morning an I just sat down to finally have a FULL cuppa coffee YEA!! Will have my second cup after Dr appointment, WAWA french Vanilla & Hazelnut YUMMY!! It doesn't take much to make me smile lol. IF I am feeling not to tired HAhaha I might stop in at Kohl's, as I have 2 gift cards I have yet to use since Christmas. BUT Like I said I might go, I am so tired right now I could go back and sleep the day away like i did pretty much yesterday.

Speaking of yesterday, I got up at 4am to go to Booker's ( I don't know if any other state does this , it is awesome even though it is so early. we meet in a parking lot to get speaking commitments from other meetings. There's like , oh jeez 100 people who show and it is in the dark , although in June it will be lighter) , which is hour & 19 mins from where I live. If ya don't get there early you miss the good bookings. I did great for my first time living here. I use to do it back in North Jersey and I knew what meetings to book. This was a challenge as i am still learning my way around. BUT I had a sign and people came to me. SO I got home and sat for a bit and then slept, slept and slept some more ...I was grateful i was able to make the commitment in the flare I am in and int mess it all up! Thank you God! Well I tried to wrote up the list on-line to print for the meeting Sat, well it took me all day argggg....it should have only taken maybe an hour. THIS is why i am seeing the neurologist today. OK ok lol

Well I babbled on here but always feel better when i jot it all down! Since my shoulder isn't to great writing is hard, so it is one reason I started the blog, typing is easier.
Well I pray you all have a wonderful, blessed day! Keep the faith and keep looking up! Life may have its stumbling blocks but it always works out and it always gets better IF we choose to work through it all!
God Bless Peace, Hugs & Love Donna ♥
p.s.- grateful for spell check lol

have a great day Pictures, Images and Photos
*~*~*~*~*^Daily Reflections^*~*~*~*~*


He is the Father, and we are His children. Most good ideas are simple, and this concept was the keystone of the new and triumphant arch through which we passed to freedom.

A keystone is the wedge-shaped piece at the highest part of an arch that locks the other pieces in place. The "other pieces" are Steps One, Two, and Four through Twelve. In one sense this sounds like Step Three is the most important Step, that the other eleven depend on the third for support. In reality however, Step Three is just one of twelve. It is the keystone, but without eleven other stones to build the base and arms, keystone or not, there will be no arch. Through daily working of all Twelve Steps, I find that triumphant arch waiting for me to pass through to another day of freedom.

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