
Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day

Good Morning Monday!

I woke today from a very happy dream! My best friend , the one I grew up with and I were shopping , her mom was with us as well. Well her and I have this thing when we shop, we pick up silly hats or shoes, etc and try them on and we laugh at the site of ourselves. Well in the dream that is what we were doing and we were laughing SO hard Free Yahoo SmileysI woke up. What a wonderful way to wake up. I also woke up feeling good and that is a big plus!Free Basic Smileys I don't mean magically I felt wonderful and all my pain is gone ha ha that would be a true miracle...I woke feeling refreshed! I don't feel refreshed most days when i wake up. I usually have a faze about me , even after my my shower. But today I woke took my show and got breakfast and as i was doing that I started to do things, take some dishes out of the dishwasher from last night, remove the Easter stickies from window, stuff like that. I mean I usually just grab breakfast and come in here, do my readings/mediation's ad then try and wake up! I feel marvelous! OH and I also woke up sing Mighty to Save by Hillsong -SO when I got in here after doing my readings /mediation'sI went to you tube and put it on and MAN OH MAN did I really light up! I lip sang to it, as not to wake hubby and the feeling OH THE FEELING!!! I am So truly blessed to have such a wonderful Saviour!!!
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"Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is mighty to save,
He is mighty to save
Forever, author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave..."

Awesome awesome song! I love Hillsong's music! I've seen them a few times at conferences I've been to. Hope to make another one soon!!

Today I have physical therapy, (which I so need with all I did Sat & yesterday, my arm/shoulder is killing me), then a meeting at noon, bring the left over carrot cake I made, as one of the guys I saw Sat at a meeting said ,"OH carrot cake, ya know you can bring whats left to the meeting" lol I guess he likes carrot cake. I am glad he mentioned it as I would have ended up in the garbage as only I eat it. My motherinlaw does too but she is a diabetic and had a piece yesterday, didn't want any to take home. she did say it came out great, which it did. I saved that recipe! I am going to save a piece for my mom, as she loves it to.

It was SO GREATFree Yahoo Smileys seeing my son's yesterday!!Free Yahoo Smileys I ran out the door as i saw them pull up and hugged Free Yahoo Smileysthem so tight! It was a wonderful Easter, even though I didn't get to see my family. My son's had a great time coloring eggs and talking to the father about sports. I sat with my motherinlaw and chatted with her. What a peaceful , beautiful day it was, and the weather OH the weather was gorgeous!! Was nice to be able to have the windows and door open! . Thank You Jesus!! OH my son & his girlfriend ( who didn't come this year) gave me a palm cross for outside. I love it!! It is nice as I can save it for next year. I prayFree Basic Smileys for their salvation as well as my other son & hubby.

Well my hands are numbish and hurt so I will end here.

I hope you all have a wonderful beautiful peaceful day!

God Bless, PeaceFree Yahoo Smileys, Hope and Love DonnaFree Manga Smileys

Mighty to Save-Hillsong

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