
thoughts on past week 12th-16th-2010

I've been trying to get my thoughts together here all week. It can be a bit frustrating when you can't get them from your head onto paper. Like a leaf floating around in the wind almost landing but then again swooped away.

I do have to say wwith cherry blossoms blooming, baseball season starting, the robins making nests and all the other trees and flowers blooming, it's impossible not to feel a little extra spring in your step. So with all that it is hard not to be positive! Even with all my jumbled thoughts. It is what I have to remember if my mood starts to slip into that word,"WHY?" Negativity gets me no where! So yes I do get frustrated when I cant get my thoughts out, but I do not stay there! I have TO MUCH to be thankful for!

So , here it is Sunday already, where does the time go? It has been a rather busy week. So I really didn't have time to sit here and type out a post , even if my thoughts were together. Hahaha now I just have to remember what I did HAhahaha..........

Hey lets try doing this backwards! Then MAYBE I will remember the whole week! Ya think?? heehee

OK Yesterday, Saturday ,I did my morning readings,bible and meditation book, prayed and listened to music on you tube, my new morning thing on here instead of face book, I do post some of the songs on there and maybe a bible verve, but that's about it. Some mornings like week ends I do skip the music and go to face book and catch up on my games. Also a phone call or 2, I am SO NOT a phone person lol. So I do that each morning before anything else.

OK So, I went to a meeting in the morning. Came home vacuumed and that just did me in so I played on here , had to catch up on my farm and the food game, then we went to the Blue Claws ballgame. They WON!! Was a great time! It was dollar day, ALL tickets were a dollar,so it was a sell out! We bundled up warm and had our blankets. YES I have pics. ( Me ,not have pics lol I am queen picture lady! I always have my camera with me , helps me remember heehee)

The day before, Friday, I went to a noon step meeting, then came home and cleaned hubby's bathroom, which really did me in, I almost wasn't able to make the Blue Claws opening day game. I went and sat out on the 3 season porch and relaxed for a while, taking in the beauty God put in front of me! Doesn't He just make such beautiful trees, flowers and creatures for us to enjoy? I am so grateful I can see that today! It made me feel better and relaxed my aching shoulders and neck. Then I came on here for just a bit, had to get directions to he Christening were going to Sunday , then off we went for opening day. The weather was lousy! Overcast , cold & damp, which isn't good for either of us! But I pack blankets and I carry those over the counter pain patches just in case. As soon as we got closer to the stadium it started to rain, I mean pour!! We had our rain gear as well. I am always prepared! Well not always lol. We got in and had to stand around for almost a hour, poor hubby was in dire pain standing on his feet. The game was delayed, but finally it stopped raining and we ventured to our seats. We have cushions I made so , like I said we our prepared! The guys wiped our seats but still they are wet. We got to the 3rd inning and the rain started again and that was it for us. I know I was in a lot pain and it was cold! So we went home and watched the mets lose lol again!

OK that brings us to Thursday, hum OK I had to think for a bit but I got it! We went food shopping around noonish and then came home unpacked and planted a Lilac tree we bought and I planted some cuttings i had of forsythias. It was a nice day out warm and sunny, I think lol. Then made dinner and played on here.

Wed. I left early drove to Garfield, 1 & 1/2 hours away, I picked up my son Kris and we headed to my parents which was another 20 minutes. He helped my dad in the yard. I sat with mom and looked at photo albums of when she and my dad were young and just married and of her graduating college. She was pretty good, remembered most of the people in the albums. Was a great day!! We dropped dads car off at repair shop , as he is having trouble with the inside lights and dropped him back home and off we went. I took Kris out for dinner , pizza and subs at our favorite pizza place, we been going there since they were little! Then dropped him off and drove home with some Quick Check Vanilla Coffee! I was beat! Got home 2 hours later , tired, achy and thankful for such a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, Tuesday, hum what did I do Tuesday. Oh I didn't feel good at all that's when i was going to do a blog and couldn't get my thoughts straight. OK I didn't do much of anything slept a lot and just watched TV.

Monday hubby and I went to the Christmas tree shop and bought the Lilac tree and a bunch of other goodies, like suntan lotion, $2.99 for Hawaiian tropic which is like $12.00 in reg stores, and some place mats, little things. Then we went and got the cat some vitamins as hubby is all of a sudden allergic to her. he acquired Asthma and we think it is the cat dander, so Pharmacist recommended we get the cat vitamins. Then we went and got our hair cuts. I was nervous lol as I don't go to get my hair cut, I usually have a friend cut it , last year my motherinlaw did it. I don't like paying for it , hubby calls me cheap, which i am. I can find better things to spend $17.00 on lol. The we stopped for Jersey Mikes sub and home we came. I was so tired by then. Took a nap and played on here.

So there ya have it, I did it! I just have to do things backwards to remember!! Hahahahaha I do remember I didn't feel good most of the week, I was in a flare due to working a flea market last Saturday, but I try not to  let it keep me down, mentally & spiritually! If  I  let it win, then where would I be? I turn to God and He helps me get by each and every day! I am so truely blessed and grateful just to be a live today!!

Today I am leaving here for 10:30 , pick up my motheinlaw and off we go for her great grand daughter, my great niece Christening. It is almost a 2 hour drive. Hubby & the boys are doing the Card Show today so they will miss the Church part but will be there for the dinner party part . So Yes I have a big smile on my face today!! I get to see both my great niece's, Christa is 2 and 1/2 , will be 3 in August and Brooke who is 5 months old, PLUS my sons Yippee it is going to be a long day but a grand day!!! I am very excited! God is so good!

Well I bored who ever is reading this long enough so have a wonderful day. Thanks for stopping by
God Bless, Peace Hugs and Love Donna

I am Grateful for;
Another day
God's grace
God's Love
God's beauty
God's Word
my hubby
my son's
my family
my friends
spell check
I am feeling good enough to go to the Christening today!!

*~*~*~*^Twenty Four Hours A Day^*~*~*~*

A.A. Thought for the Day

Every time we go to an A.A. meeting, every time we say the Lord's Prayer, every time we have a quiet time before breakfast, we're paying a premium on our insurance against taking that first drink. And every time we help another alcoholic, we're making a large payment on our drink insurance. We're making sure that our policy doesn't lapse. Am I building up an endowment in serenity, peace, and happiness that will put me on easy street for the rest of my life?

Meditation for the Day
I gain faith by my own experience of God's power in my life. The constant, persistent recognition of God's spirit in all my personal relationships, the ever accumulating weight of evidence in support of God's guidance, the numberless instances in which seeming chance or wonderful coincidence can be traced to God's purpose in my life. All these things gradually engender a feeling of wonder, humility, and gratitude to God. These in turn are followed by a more sure and abiding faith in God and His purposes.

Prayer for the Day
I pray that my faith may be strengthened every day. I pray that I may find confirmation of my life in the good things that have come into my life.

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