
Hello & Goodmorning

Welcome Friday!

I had a restless night, but i feel pretty good, so I am not complaining! Besides my hands and arms going numb and tingly & my stomach issue I am good , so far today! lol it is only 9:15am...shhhhh

I woke up singing Boomin by Tobymac,so when I went to get my motherinlaw to take her to hair dresser appointment I played it loud! and trying to sing it lol.

What else....today I go to my noon BB meeting then off to Gastro Dr. Then home and I gather we will leave for the game around 4:30. Which will be nice as i will get some time to go sit out side in the sin and work on my baby blanket, hopefully finish this square! lol It takes so much time as my hands go numb, that's why I started it NOW as the baby isn't due till Oct.

Oh dinner with my sponcee last night was so great! We both left feeling a lot better then when we came! We decided to do this every other Thursday. I am so grateful to AA , the fellowship and working with others. They help me more then I help them, I think sometimes, as I share where I use to be and where I am now and It still amazes me! Life is great! Especially when I leave it in God's hands!!
The sun is shining brightly and the weather is going to be; Sunny,
High 79F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Perfect for a ballgame! The game starts 7pm and it is going to be 73°F and Sunny, Yes!! as tonight is opening  night of the
Somerset Patriots and we are going! I don't care for the hour and 1/2 ride there and home. Especially coming home! But we love them. We cut our games down this year to only 7, we usually get a lot more! We decided with gas so high and the long ride, next year we are not going to go. We go to the Lakewood BlueClaws games which are only 15 mins from us. I love baseball! I would love to go to a Met game but man they are way to expensive and we live to far now. I am trying to get hubby to go to a Philly-Met game, as Philly tickets are not as expensive. Will see.

I took a few pictures this morning of the back garden. the Azalea bush is beautiful with the wild purple flowers behind it.

 I am trying to root Forsythia & Wisteria. The Forsthia took but I am not sure if Wisteria will or does. I used the rooting powder so we will see! If not I really might just buy one . The first picture is the Forsthis, in the basket is a small rose bush , which I am going to plant.

That's all for now
God Bless♥

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