
Beautiful day-5/26/10

Good morning, and what a beautiful one it is!
Going to be a hot one , though, so hubby and I are headed to the beach for the day.

I spent Mon into Tues. at my parents. Dad was suppose to have a stress test, but his insurance won't cover it till 2 year mark, it is only 18 months. So we spent time just sitting on couch and watching movies. Mom is really bad, worst I've seen. She was nasty and refused to eat. She slept a great deal as well. I am sure she is depressed, due to the Parkinson's and having her life stolen from her. I feel so helpless and know all i can do is spend time with them and Pray a lot! Dad was so happy to have my company! We made dinner Mon night together, spaghetti , meatballs ans sausage. It turned out yummy! Mom ate some of that. I am grateful I am able to go spend this time with them!

Well my banana bread was yummy!
I froze 2 , we ate one and I gave dad one.

Well that's about all for today.
 Here is the the song of the day!


Smile and remember how blessed you really are!
Love, blessings & Love Donna

Grateful for;
having a loving , forgiving God in my life
another day
my husband
my sons
my family
time spent with parents
special friends
beautiful flowers
for so many things!
Life is wonderful no matter what!!!

Thank you all for being a part of my life, I love you


Gratitude should go forward, rather than backward.

I am very grateful that my Higher Power has given me a second chance to live a worthwhile life. Through Alcoholics Anonymous, I have been restored to sanity. The promises are being fulfilled in my life. I am grateful to be free from the slavery of alcohol. I am grateful for peace of mind and the opportunity to grow, but my gratitude should go forward rather than backward. I cannot stay sober on yesterday's meetings or past Twelfth-Step calls; I need to put my gratitude into action today. Our co-founder said our gratitude can best be shown by carrying the message to others. Without action, my gratitude is just a pleasant emotion. I need to put it into action by working Step Twelve, by carrying the message and practicing the principles in all my affairs. I am grateful for the chance to carry the message today!

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