
It a New Day-5-10-10->just finally posting this

5-12-10--Well I just want to update this as i was to sick to finish and post this the other day. I was in a horrible flare, the worst Ive had in a long time! Thanks to hubby and God I was able to make it through Mother's Day to enjoy with my son's and one son's girlfriend.
Wow it has been a week since I posted...hum time flies when your having fun! Well I think I was having fun..... I do know by Thursday I ran out of one of my meds. I called the drug store and they called Dr for refill and by Friday I was sick. By Saturday STILL NO MEDS! Dr never called it in. I was upset as this isn't the first time i ran out early. They had me thinking I was taking to much, which I wasn't. Sat I got loud with the drug store and told hubby . Hubby later told me it was the Dr's fault. He isn't giving me enough pills to last the month. I was very very upset at this, which doesn't help how i am feeling. SO, today I will be calling DR and making an appointment to talk to him!! I slept most of Fri and Sat away, which made my back go out, OUCH!

-5-12-10- I finally got my Meds Monday after hubby called Dr and told them they made a mistake in counting lol I am so grateful to have my husband in my life today!! He is a God sent! If not for having God in my life and the tools He has given me, I would have been a mess during this horrid flare, but I prayed, cried lol and talked to God in between sleeping as my pain level was threw the roof and my back went out! By Monday night I started to feel better and was able to sit up, but still by Tuesday i was weak. Today Wed I had to go for an Endoscopy, so here I sit even weaker! I am very fatigued but my pain level is down and I can sit up. What an AWESOME God I have in my life who helps me get through all the trials I have to face with my illness!! TY

Happy Mother's Day, and I want to stay in bed and sleep, my pain level is on real and I just want to cry! Which I did ! Hubby bought me a plant with beautiful flowers! We saw them in the store the other day and i was admiring them. I didn't open his card till later in the day after our son's left. It made me cry. Our son's came down as did my one sons girlfriend. I felt so lousy and cried most of the morning , which doesn't help lol Also I knew I wanted to call my mom and that upset me as I know she has no clue what day it is. I fell asleep for a while and then called my dad and talked to him and he said she was having a a bad morning the tears started to fall down my face. I told him how i was and he felt bad for me. I did talk to mom and said happy Mothers Day to her and she thanked me, then she went into a gibberish yammering about God only knows. Funny thing, she said to me , that i did understand was, "you crying?" OH MY...I said "NO,it is my allergies." she bought that, phew! I don't want her to know I was sick. The call was brief and I was glad. I had to muster up energy to get ready as the boys were coming for noonish. Well they got here and i was almost ready. My youngest son saw i wasn't feeling well.
He gave me a basket with plants with flowers in it so I can keep and my other son his girlfriend and her daughters gave me a pillow and a big card with snoopy that opened and played the peanuts song. I perked up seeing them . We went to a BlueClaws ballgame. We dressed warm as it was very windy and cold. I made it through the game and we came back here and took pictures and they left. I guess it was 6:00, as the game went extra innings and we left in the 11th. We saw later it went 15 inning,Lakewood wins 12-11 in 15 innings. I was so glad we left when we did, as I so wanted to go home and lay down! All in all we had a wonderful day , in spite of mt illness!! I LOVE seeing my sons and spending time with them, even if they sat and talked to hubby the whole time LOL and I sat and talked with my sons girlfriend, we had a great time!!

God Bless, peace, hugs and Love Donna

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Mother's Day's 2010

5-12-10--So here it is Monday and i am still not feeling well. My back is killing me and my head is hurting and I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep! but because my back hurts so bad no way i can lay down any more right now, so I got heating pad on my lower back and hoping I can sit here for a while. I did go out already as i was suppose to get blood work, BUT the place was mobbed and no way i could have lasted. So I will go tomorrow, no biggie!

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