
Thank You God-6-7-10

Thank you God for another beautiful day!!

The temps this week are low 70's and sunny! BEAUTIFUL! I feel good , but i feel the fog setting in. That started yesterday, I realised it at the meeting. It isn't bad yet and I pray it doesn't get bad like last time. Nothing i can do about it but pray and journal it for Dr.

Sunday I made it to Church , I miss it so when i don't make it. I came home and marinated the chicken for BBQ. Then I dusted and vacuumed. Watered the plants inside and out. By night time I felt it, of course lol my pain level shot up from a 3 to a 7. My neck is really bothering me at night making sleep very restless. I have to say it is my neck into my right shoulder. It bothers me as well when i get up until my meds kick in.
Anyways we had a nice BBQ chicken dinner, I made it on grill. Had salad and corn on cob YUM! Thankfully my stomach didn't act up!

Monday , which was yesterday, I went to meeting and like i said fog kicked in. Came home and took pictures of baby birdies , as you see they got a big bigger. As I snapped the first picture the one stuck it's head up as if i had food lol. Thankfully the momma bird was away getting their food and didn't come after me. BUT as I was sitting in the front bench just taking in God's beauty, the momma bird flew over and looked right at me lol  I told her I didn't do anything it was all lies Hahahahahaha like she knew anything in the first place .  Yes I am a nut if you didn't know that already

Last night we went to the BlueClaws ballgame. They won 11-1. Was a beautiful night for a ballgame!

I had trouble keeping score lol the fog was interfering, so I didn't finish.

Today I am going shopping with my mother in law to JCPennys and the Dollar store, we will have lunch out as well. We both have gift cards to spend. I am hoping to catch some sales! Maybe even a new bathing suit. I only have one right now since I lost weight and could use a second.

other then that life is great!

Have a wonderful day.
God Bless
peace Hugs and Love Donna

Psalm 37:5 (NKJV)

5 Commit your way to the LORD,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.

The Lord is our Banner. He wants us to stay under his banner—to trust in him and his plan for our lives, to depend on him and trust him as our source of strength, as our protection. But so often we either get in an "I can do it myself" mode or determine that "I want to do it my way." When we do this, we step out from under God's banner of protection. Just as the Israelites began to experience failure every time Moses' arms dropped, so we will struggle needlessly when we choose to step out from under his banner.

Being under God's banner does not mean we won't have problems—the Israelites still had to fight their battle. But it does mean that we don't have to face things alone—and that God will work all things together for good and bring ultimate victory.

Consider this …

Is there some area in your life that you have determined you want to handle by yourself—and do it your way? Perhaps you don't think that God cares about or completely understands your struggle. Or maybe you are determined to do it your way, even knowing that your way does not line up with God's plan.
The truth is … God does care. He does understand. And his way, even if our desires conflict, is always the best way. Step back under his banner of love and protection. Submit to his plan. Let him help you. You will be glad you did.

Father, I thank you that you are my banner. Help me to walk under your banner and not succumb to self-will and pride, choosing my way over yours. Thank you for your love and protection and forgiveness. In Jesus' name …

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your post. Especially the pictures and the devotional.

    Hope you had a great day shopping with your mother-in-law.
