
Standing Firm

Standing Firm
by Aaron Peters

“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.” -1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)

Sometimes, the road which God has called us to walk can become hard to endure. Despite our faithfulness and diligence, obstacle after obstacle, and discouragement after discouragement, seem to be our only rewards. In the face of such adversity, it is easy to lose hope. We begin to question why we are even on this path and look for ways to escape. But as the prophet Jonah would find out centuries before us, running away from our problems is not the solution. God, with gentleness and firmness, will always bring us back to the point where we will have to confront the mission which He has laid out for us.

When God has placed us in situations, it is not without reason. Although we may not see it immediately because of the limits of our human perception, God is fulfilling His perfect will for our lives and for others. He never calls us to a task only to watch us fall. It would go against His nature, and His promise to never abandon us. Our role is to simply carry on the work He has called us to do and trust Him in His divine plan. When we encounter hard times and the pressure is against us, it is in these moments where our faith in Him who is able to overcome will be strengthened; that is if we continuously hold on to Christ. Resting in His promises to always catch us when we fall and that any good work done in His name will not return void, will encourage us when hardship seems to be our lot. By standing on the promises of God we will be able to labour diligently and joyfully knowing that victory belongs to Him. In this assurance, we will be able to enjoy watching His plan unfold before us and stand in awe of His infinite wisdom.


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