
So be strong and courageous....

"So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!"

Psalm 31:24 (NLT)
There are two choices. We will either cower away from hard situations or charge toward them with courage.The trouble is that in scary situations the only "nerve" I have is a nervous stomach. In the past  I let the nervous stomach win, sadly. I didn't have a real connection with God at the time so I missed out on a lot  of things in my life that I really wanted to try, do. I reality I let  Satan win!I had a choice to make. Either I could allow my anxiety to prevent me from doing things in life that i wanted to do, or I could face the situation with courage. How do I find courage when I am trembling in fear? I guess it comes down to deciding what is more important, the thing I need to do or giving in to my fear. Being courageous is being brave enough to move through my fears.I have to put my hope in God who will see me through.Since I've given my life to Jesus 6 years ago, I turn to Him for the courage I need. NOT that I don't get nervous, because I DO, but I am able to follow through. Satan still tries to win me back, and although he may slow me down in some things, eventually I turn to God to help me get past my fears.
Today when fear grips me, I search my thoughts only to discover that my nervousness is based on pride. What will they think of me when it is my turn to pray our loud? I nervously wondered as I have never done this before, I am not yet strong in prayer. Knowing my own limitations created doubt in my mind, which in turn could have caused me to back away. Instead, I decided to move forward in faith. My heart warmed as I considered what was more important. God wanted me to  go to the prayer meeting. I have prayed on it and wanted to go for so long. Sure, my heart was pounding and my knees were knocking, but I chose to be brave, to trust God. The result was amazing and I felt great for following through! That's the incredible truth about courage. It transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary.
Whatever God is calling you to do, this is His promise. " Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 NIV

1 comment:

  1. Donna,
    I love the truthfulness that you put into this post.

    We do have to push through the anxiety... I have it too, and you are so right! The end result is beautiful. He is with us. Amen!

