
My wonderful week end

I am so truly blessed!!!!! I celebrated 12 years of sobriety on Jan. 30th. 2011.. It is only through God's grace that I am here today. He saved me from the gripping chains of alcoholism and then in 2005 I gave my life totally to Jesus! (2 Corinthians 5:17) (Psalm 16:9) What brought me to finally totally surrendering was ,even though I was sober for 6 years, I wasn't changing much. I was still sinning in some ways and I was not happy with where I was at.
Life hasn't been all fun and games, I mean come on it is life lol. BUT I know what to do today to get past the down times, the difficult times. I can still choose to sit in it, but I don't do that very often! (2 Corinthians 1:3-11)
I lost my mom in July and it was a very hard time for me and my family. She was sick for so long with Parkinson's and ended up with aspirated double pneumonia . She did put up a good fight , but in the end we saw it wasn't fair to try to hold on to her. She held on till dad finally said his good byes to her and that night she past away. Even though we know she is in a better place, with Jesus, we miss her so much!
Then we lost my Uncle Bob a few months ago. And on top of that my other Uncle had heart surgery which Drs were not sure he make it. Prasie God he did!! So it has been a very tring time for us all.

On Saturday Jan 29th we went to my brothers for dad's 87th Birthday Party. Every one came, except my Aunt & Uncle who were in Florida . Dad was so surprised!

It was such a wonderful day! What a blessing to be able to feel good and enjoy the company of my family!

Sunday the day of my Ann.  I had to get up at 5am to go to Garfield ( hour and half away) with hubby for our  Family Business ( it is now in our son's names as we both retired, due to health issues). My friend stopped in to wish me happy Ann. and we also exchanged Christmas gifts, yes you heard me lol with the weather and my health & hers we just haven't been able to see each other. It was so great to see her!! After the show, we went to our son's & his girlfriends place for her daughter's 9th Birthday Party. I didn't feel good all day and just wanted to lay down. which i did for a bit at my son's. The day seemed to drag, but despite not feeling good, I made the best of it! (James 1:2-4)
Today, Monday I woke up feeling the pain of the week end. I am of course in a flare and it isn't a wonderful feeling! ( for those who read this and don't know I have Lupus) I so over did it this week end, but I have to say it was well worth it! I at least felt good for my dad's party, which I am glad as I don't like him to see me not feeling good!. I am just grateful for another day and I don't have to act out die to not feeling good or take it out on any one. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
We are in for bad weather again! SO I don't feel bad about not making it to dad's tomorrow, as I was suppose to sleep over. I called to tell him the concert we were going to see was cancelled and he replied , "Stay home, we are in for very bad ice and snow storm" which I replied ," yes that's what i heard, so i guess will see how the week plays out and maybe I can come the end of the week."
I am so glad I didn't have to call to cancel tomorrow due to being sick. I know it only worries him and he doesn't need that.

So I am very grateful today for the 12 years I have, one day at a time. For AA , for the many people God has put in my life and learning things I never would have if it weren't for the 12 Steps & God's Word. I am still very open and willing to learn more and help anyone I can. For it is by helping other's that I grow even more.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (The Message)

16-18Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.
Thank you for being here and for helping me, one day at a time!
God Bless
Peace, Hope & Love
Donna S

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