
Walk A Mile In My Shoes

To the next doctor that questions my pain, I will simply ask him to "Walk A Mile In My Shoes"

To the next friend or family member who questions my pain, my condition or my sanity, I will say: "Walk A Mile In My Shoes"

For all the people who make stupid and insensitive remarks like "It can't hurt that bad", I say to them, "Walk A Mile In My Shoes"

To the pharmacy where I have to go every 28 days to keep my pain from pushing me over the top, I say to you, "Walk A Mile In My Shoes"

  Once you have walked in my shoes, felt my pain, lost everything, then come back to me; we'll talk.

From today forward, I refuse to have my honesty, integrity or character demeaned by people who have not walked in my shoes; who have never experienced such excruciating pain that you would cut off the offending limb if you had a sharp enough knife. I will no longer allow myself to be treated like a drug addict, pathological liar or an emotionally disturbed person seeking attention.
 I do not ask to live in pain. I never asked to be struck down with an incurable condition. Nor, do I believe it is somehow my fault because the doctors can't cure me. That does not give them the right to treat me like a failure; or insult my intelligence with fancy words thrown around to make themselves feel better or try to make me feel like an addict looking for my next fix.

You cannot measure a person's pain. It is many times invisible. Does that make it any less real? What is pain suposed to look like?

Education is the key. It is time to take a stand against the ignorance, misinformation and misguided intentions of a society that started a "War Against Drugs" that morphed into a "War Against People Living With Chronic Pain".

We need to change the mindset of the population that does not understand and never will without our help. I am going to start the dialogue; over the coming months I will be putting together a coalition of professionals and patients, patient advocates, family members and anyone who wants to take a stand.

A stand for reasonable treatment; to be treated as individuals, to have our medical needs met with both standard or non-traditional therapy's. To not be dismissed, denied or discouraged.

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