
Happy Valentines Day


Happy Valentines Day to all!!

What a lovely week end I had with hubby! We went to AC for an over night Fri into Sat. We spent Sat. in the spa all day, hot tub, pool, sauna & I even went in the inhalation room. I didn't stay to long in the sauna or the inhalation room as it is way to hot. We relaxed on the lounges and just so enjoyed each others company! We went to dinner at Virginia Buffet . We were back in the room by 8ish. Hubby surprised me with a TY turtle which made me smile big, I LOVE turtles! We both slept pretty good. I woke sat in a slight flare, we left and came home by 11am. I didn't do much the rest of the day as like I said i was in a slight flare. I Sometimes wonder if I can handle having fun with out getting sick LOL. Anyways I took a long nap and hubby rested as well and we got a phone call from his mom and said his sister & her hubby were won and wanted to take us out to eat. Well SURE I wasn't feeling great and didn't really want to cook so YES . We went to the little Restaurant around the corner. Was great seeing them and we all had a nice time. WELL I suffered in the long run and spent the night in the bathroom. OK enough said on that lol.

I woke today with a full blown flare, YUCK!!! So I didn't;t make church like I was hoping. I sat most of the morning watching movies and watching the birds out the window. I did in between sitting down make hubby home made raspberry truffles. They came out YUMMY! I only ate one as like I said food just isn't working. Hubby gave me a card and flowers which were so beautiful! I love him so much and so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life!!!!! Thank You God. We took his mom out to eat, again I didn't have to cook so YES I will go out. We went to Apple Bees. I had a small steak & potatoes. It was on the weight watchers menu not that i needed to watch my weight but it was small and bland. They each had sliders and fies. They also had dessert which I passed on! SO we came home and I hit the couch and took a hour and half nap! I can sleep and sleep when in a flare. I finally went and finished wrapping the truffles and put them in a box and gave them to hubby. He loved them!

Well that's about all for today, hoping I feel better tomorrow!

God Bless ♥

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal
-- John 3:16
Did you know the Bible doesn't just say, "God loves you." Now
don't let me confuse you. Scripture does tell us many times that
God loves us. However, don't miss the important truth here. Each
time Scripture tell us that God loves us, it also demonstrates that
love as well. God's love is more than emotion and intention. God's
love is demonstrated. God loved us so much he didn't just say, "I
love you." God showed his by sending and sacrificing his Son to
give us his incomparable love! We never have to doubt that God
means what he says. He has backed up his promises of love with his

Loving and Almighty God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for
both saying it and showing it. Please know, dear Father, I love
you, too! Accept my words and actions today as a testimony to my
Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

Photobucketview of spa
view out the winodwsauna
inhalation roomhottub
relaxinginhalation eoom

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