
What a morning .....

It's amazing how you can get carried away from worries and woes and self-concern when you start naming out loud what you're thankful for. Right away your focus shifts from your needs to the Father's graciousness and love.

Try it!

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
Psalm 95:2 NKJV

Oh my how this fits me today! No so much with the worries but woe is me lol. I started the day off in such a fog! It comes from my health issues, but I could not focus on anything and I had things to do and places to be and I just could not focus on any of it to the point I forgot where i was going once in the car and then realizing I left my wallet home when I am in store getting the paper lol and then forgetting how to get home  Free Thinking SmileysOH MY. As I did finally focus some I gave a woe is me statement and forgot to even think of God and all He has done for me in my life.

It wasn't till I got home again and realized how thankful for finally focusing and remembered where I was and got home safely, considering all the snow and ice still on some of the streets. Thankful I am alive! and that I have such a loving father who forgives me even when i forget to thank Him. When I do focus on all the things i am thankful for I do forget all the other things going on that just seem so meaningless.

SO I am very thankful for this message today! and for such a wonderful husband who is taking me away over night for a day of spa & relaxation & dinner.Free Valentines Smileys I am so very thankful most of all for such a loving and forgiving Father!!Free Yahoo Smileys

Have a wonderful day and remember to think of all the good that you have in your life!

Write that gratitude list!

God Bless ♥Free Yahoo Smileys

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