
Another day!

Was a great day! I felt good for one, my anxiety I've been feeling, past.

Jonny Lang, Brad Whitford (of Aerosmith)& his son

Eric Johnson

Kenny Wayne Shepherd

Thursday hubby & I went to see
Experience Hendrix Concert. Featured artists who performed , Included some of the best known and most respected artists in contemporary rock and blues including Joe Satriani, Jonny Lang, Eric Johnson, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Brad Whitford (of Aerosmith), Doyle Bramhall II, Ernie Isley, Living Colour, Double Trouble's Chris Layton, along with bassist Billy Cox. It was a great concert! I got some videos, not great but you can see who it is. I shot a lot videos and pics and then when Joe strain came out I realized i was out of space lol so in the dark I was trying to delete some of the other performers and wasn't really sure who as it was video and didn't have time to watch. SO I deleted some I wanted, Oh well. I didn't get to record the video I wanted of Strain but i got some with him and Living Color and then a group of performers. I got a great video of Jonny lang who I love, he also plays Christian music. We had a good time, but it was a latenight.
Friday I had such anxiety Free Yahoo Smileysagain which has been going on for a month now, so i gather I best tell the Dr. I was so glad I was able to make my noon meeting Fri. Friday night we went out to dinner for hubby's mom's 81st BirthdayFree Yahoo Smileys, his sister is down for a few days. I couldn't eat much but we had a good time. Of course we had them come sing to her , hehehehee My anxiety was super bad last night when we got home and I couldn't sleep . I had to get up early to go fill my commitment at my home group, picking up bagels, rolls & milk. I didn't stay for the meeting as i was going out shopping with my motherinlaw and sisinlaw. I did stay for the Father martin tape on Self Esteem, which was of course just what i needed!! Yes God is ALWAYS working!Free Yahoo Smileys I also chatted with a few peeps before I headed home. By this time my anxiety had almost diminished, Yea! The day went by fast, we went to the mall. I stopped in at Build a bear, I had gift card from Christmas. I buy the outfits for my cabbage patch dolls, but plan to buy a bunny next time, as it was party day and crowed! I bought a Yankee outfit for the one doll and I bought some bunny ears and some Easter baskets for other dolls I have. NO I am NOT a Yankee fan, my youngest son is. I already bought a Met outfit for the other doll!! GO METS!!!Free Yahoo Smileys ( Been watching a lot pre-season games)
I also got a free gift an Easter basket with candy hehehehe, I will be using the basket for one of my son's girlfriends girls baskets. I picked up a few things in the amll to ut in the baskets. I LOVE EASTERFree Yahoo Smileys

SO here I sit relaxing , no anxiety and pray it don't come back!! Will call Dr Mon, I think it is part of whats going on with me. I am going to speak at 8:00, it is only around the corner so i can just play on here till then.

Tomorrow I am hoping to make Church and then clean the house some. Got to take each day as it comes, as ya never know how i am going to feel anymore! Only God knows!!
MY gratitude for today,Free Yahoo Smileys
Another day
God's Grace
my husband
my son's
my family
God's beauty
make my commitments

SO have a great evening!!
God Bless
HugsFree Yahoo Smileys, peace & love Free Yahoo SmileysDonna

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