

What a bust week it has been . I felt good enough to go to my parents Mon into Tue. We went to a jazz concert,Frank Vignola Gypsy Jazz Mon night. My brother & his wife came as well. It was a great concert! OH-MY I was recording a set and in the middle of the song the band leader looks at me and stops playing and tells the band to get together for a group shot OH-MY I was so embarrassed!! lol I stopped recording and took a pic, which didn't come out as i was shaking from embarrassment! Hahaha......( I have 2 Videos at the bottom) Also a great 2 days. I was fatigued and my normal pain, but other then that OK. Took mom to her Neuro Dr check up. He's a good Dr, and I don;t like Dr's , so that's a great compliment lol. He spends time with you and makes sure all your questions are answered. The only down fall is he spends too much time and is always behind , so our 12noon appointment was at 2pm and we had to wait a hour so we got in by 3ish. By the time we got back it was 4:30 and i got my stuff and left for my 2 hour ride home. It was rainy and lots of traffic! I was by this time extremely fatigued and in lots pain, but I made it home. I no sooner got home and my stomach issue kicked in, so I spent the rest night pretty much in bathroom. I do get a lot reading done to look on the positive side.

Yesterday I didn't do much till I had to go for my EEG test at 6:30pm. Was nice to do nothing and rest. The test was a breeze, just had to sit in a chair and have all these electrode's hooked up to my head, which were attached with some kind gluey stuff. The only part that kind scared me was after i had breath in and out for a period of 2 to 3 mins and my whole body went numb! Felt like I had epidural. Took another 2 mins or so to get feeling back, wasn't sure that was suppose to happen and didn't think to ask. We didn't get to eat till 8pm and boy were we hungry! I had sauce cooking all day in slow cooker , so I made spaghetti and some garlic toast and we ate while watching Survivor. The I took my shower to wash the now caked in gluey stuff. I also got a headache from the test, due to the flashing lights. Oh well, I will find out results in a couple weeks.

Today is food shopping day and tonight we are going to see Experience Hendrix at the Count Basis Theater. My pain level is pretty high and my fatigue level is as well. The fog is there but not to bad right now. Its a beautiful day out! it's 9am and 43' going up to 60's, with some rain later. This is the warmest day of the week, and i am loving it! Life is really good! It doesn't mater that i am not well and things dint go the way i would like them to, what matters is my attitude about it all. So much is going on in the world, some recent issues that just want to make you scream, but I know there's nothing I can do to change it. I can't change the fact i am not a well person and I can't work. I want to work so bad. I miss it!! But I know in my heart I just cant hold one down. I am going to try for SS-DI, but who knows if I will get it. I can;t base my life on it. SO I have to live each day as it comes and find the good, the positive in it! No matter how hard it is some days to do that! I know God has a plan for me, so I try to stay out of the way, which isn't easy lol.
Well that's all for today
Make it a wonderful day!!

I am grateful for ;
another day
God's beauty
my husband
my son's
my family
the little things

God Bless Hugs and Love DonnaPhotobucket

For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise
spring up before all nations.
Isaiah 61:11
Gratitude is beautiful to witness. When a person's eyes light up as they open a gift, the giver enjoys the experience as much as the receiver.
We appreciate gratitude, and so does the Lord. He loves to see His children rejoicing at His many good gifts.

Gratitude to the Lord can be cultivated. Imagine what your life would be like without the Lord's grace. Show the Lord that you appreciate Him by nurturing an attitude of gratitude.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:17).

Frank Vignola Gypsy Jazz

This is the one he stops playing and poses, I stopped the taping lol

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