
Another beautiful day! 5-31-10

Good Morning
Its Memorial Day. A day to reflect on all the men and women who have served and still serve our country! For the U.S. veterans on Memorial Day and every day, thank you!!
 "Memorial Day derives from the time of the Civil War, also called the War Between the States or the War Between the North and the South. Many Americans died in this war, more than all other wars combined. After the war, on May 30, 1868, in order to heal the nation, flowers were put on the graves of both sides of the war. Later it was expanded to be a remembrance of all those who died fighting the nation's battles. It became an official federal holiday in 1971and it is observed on the last Monday of May, and is primary the holiday that starts the summer vacations and the summer season. "

I've been sitting here now for 2 hours and have yet to finish this blog lol. I've been staring out the windows on my 3 season porch and thinking bout how beautiful life is. How grateful i am for those men & women who serve our country and how i pray for world peace someday. This war has been dragging on and on and so many lives have been taken. I pray for there families on a daily basis and also pray for an end of this war sooner then later! God Bless our Troops! and God Bless America!
Here's a video I want to share, I looked at a lot of videos as well this morning.

As I was sitting here I heard the gun shots over at Fort Dix, which is 15 mins away and then the helicopters flying over my house. How can I not give Thanks to those who have served and still serving! Where I live there are many veterans, they even built a memorial right down the street from us in the park. I will have to go and take pictures later and post.

OK well I am going to wrap this up now. Like I said I will walk or ride my bike down to the park later and snap some shots of the memorial and then i am going to just fiddle around the house. Making burgers and salads for dinner. Hubby and I went to the shore yesterday, man of man was it mobbed!! We had a nice time, but I am very fatigued today from the last few days, of planting flowers, cleaning and laying in the sun, it takes it's toll on me. OK have a great day and please try and remember what this day is really all about!
God Bless
peace, Hugs and Love Donna S

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