
Good Evening-6-2-10

Well, good evening all.
I do hope you had a wonderful day. I had a productive one, till I went down hill in the afternoon. Yes I over did it, which I usually do when i am feeling good. I washed some of the house outside,, the aluminum siding out front. I sprayed it first with house wash but that didn't really do it so i got the little brush out and did it that way and then rinsed it off. Well using all those muscles isn't a good idea with people like me, it only makes me hurt more! The front of the house looks wonderful !!!
See it really wasn't a lot. I know you thought the whole front of the house lol Nope just this space. Hubby said he will try and help me do the side of the house where it is really bad. I can't do all the house or I would end up in hospital and I am not that crazy!! heehee

So now I am paying for it big time. I don;t know how to sit as i hurt so bad. I have heating pad on my back and an ice pack on my neck/shoulder area. I just keep moving/repositioning myself to try and get comfortable. Typing isn't fun either...but it is worth it to see the finished results!

OH and while I was out there I walked over to check on  the Robin and her eggs, WELL , the babies hatched, there is still one egg that I saw.
 As I quickly snapped a shot mommy Robin came flying back squawking , so I ran away LOL. Mommy and daddy stay very close!! I would too when ya have someone like me snooping around taking pictures of your babies while your trying to find food lol I just am so fascinated with it all! God 's beautiful creatures!

I just love my home and where we live. I love life and live each day as best I can! God is with me and helps me. He is amazing!!

I talked on the phone to a friend back north, she has breast cancer and hearing her voice and how positive she is helps me. Although she tell's me listening to me being so positive with my health issues , helps her. So you see we help each other! I know also God has put people like this in my life for this purpose, even though when he put them in my life years ago I didn't know why. So remember that! Be nice to all and help them in any way you can!

OK my show is in
America's Got talent  so have a great night/day.
Tomorrow hubby an I are off to the beach for the day! I got the bags packed, umbrella packed and lunch ready to pack.
God Bless
Peace Hugs and Love Donna

OH I went to my parents yesterday and got to see my brother ken for a bit before he had to go to work. I don't get to see him as much as I use to since I moved, unless we go to a concert with the parents, which hasn't been to often, since mom is getting worse.

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