It was a pretty busy week, and it has caught up with me
I had the day planed and it isn't going to work out like I wanted it to.I left the house knowing I wasn't feeling good, but I was hoping it would pass after my meds kicked in. I picked up the bagels rolls, and the other stuff I needed and when I got to the meeting I realized I was in a flare. I got the part of the meeting I was suppose to set up and then went and watched the Father Martin tape on the 12 Steps. Our meeting runs a tape each week from 9 to 10, when the meeting starts. We get a lot of new comers and Joe, the guy who runs the tapes states to look past the priest who is sharing and see the man who is sharing about this disease. To listen to the message, take what you need and leave the rest. I just love this commitment as i am really enjoying the videos! I usually get there early, but I was the greeter so I wasn't able to watch them. Well the meeting ended and I was feeling worse
So That's it for now, have a great day!!
A.A. Thought for the Day
A.A. also helps us to hang onto sobriety. By having regular meetings so that we can associate with other alcoholics who have come through that same door in the wall, by encouraging us to tell the story of our own sad experiences with alcohol, and by showing us how to help other alcoholics, A.A. keeps us sober. Our attitude toward life changes from one of pride and selfishness to one of humility and gratitude. Am I going to step back through that door in the wall to my old helpless, hopeless, drunken life?
Meditation for the Day
Withdraw into the calm of communion with God. Rest in that calm and peace. When the soul finds its home of rest in God, then it is that real life begins. Only when you are calm and serene can you do good work. Emotional upsets make you useless. The eternal life is calmness and when you enter into that, then you live as an eternal being. Calmness is based on complete trust in God. Nothing in this world can separate you from the love of God.
Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may wear the world like a loose garment. I pray that I may keep serene at the center of my being.
from the book ;Twenty-Four Hours A Day
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