Good Morning
Its Memorial Day. A day to reflect on all the men and women who have served and still serve our country! For the U.S. veterans on Memorial Day and every day, thank you!!
"Memorial Day derives from the time of the Civil War, also called the War Between the States or the War Between the North and the South. Many Americans died in this war, more than all other wars combined. After the war, on May 30, 1868, in order to heal the nation, flowers were put on the graves of both sides of the war. Later it was expanded to be a remembrance of all those who died fighting the nation's battles. It became an official federal holiday in 1971and it is observed on the last Monday of May, and is primary the holiday that starts the summer vacations and the summer season. "
I've been sitting here now for 2 hours and have yet to finish this blog lol. I've been staring out the windows on my 3 season porch and thinking bout how beautiful life is. How grateful i am for those men & women who serve our country and how i pray for world peace someday. This war has been dragging on and on and so many lives have been taken. I pray for there families on a daily basis and also pray for an end of this war sooner then later! God Bless our Troops! and God Bless America!
Here's a video I want to share, I looked at a lot of videos as well this morning.
As I was sitting here I heard the gun shots over at Fort Dix, which is 15 mins away and then the helicopters flying over my house. How can I not give Thanks to those who have served and still serving! Where I live there are many veterans, they even built a memorial right down the street from us in the park. I will have to go and take pictures later and post.
OK well I am going to wrap this up now. Like I said I will walk or ride my bike down to the park later and snap some shots of the memorial and then i am going to just fiddle around the house. Making burgers and salads for dinner. Hubby and I went to the shore yesterday, man of man was it mobbed!! We had a nice time, but I am very fatigued today from the last few days, of planting flowers, cleaning and laying in the sun, it takes it's toll on me. OK have a great day and please try and remember what this day is really all about!
God Bless
peace, Hugs and Love Donna S
Enjoyed this beautiful day 5-28-10
9:13 PM
Oh what a beautiful day it was!
It started out slow as I had a bad night. My right arm was bothering me most the night to the point wher I was in tears. I finally ened up on the couch/recliner and was able after hour to fall asleep. My right thumb is acting up again, frozen and when it does start to move clicking andmy arm ackes! BUT I didn't let it ruin my day!!
I went to my noon meeting, Tradition 5, was a great meeting!! After meeting hubby and I went to garden center to pick up more flowers and dirt. We came home and worked in yard rest of day. YES my arm is killing me right now. BUT it was all worth it!! I made a slide show for you all to see.
I made BBQ chicken on the grill and has left over beans and rice with it. So now we are watching Met game and I just wanted to post this.
Have a wonerful evening!
Remember no matter how bad you feel, God is alwasy with you cheering you on!! I know if it were not for od I would have sat around feeling sorry for myself today. And what better medicine then to work outside and plants all the beautiful flowers and listen to the birds chirping!
Life is wonderful!
God Bless
Peace,hugs and Love Donna
It started out slow as I had a bad night. My right arm was bothering me most the night to the point wher I was in tears. I finally ened up on the couch/recliner and was able after hour to fall asleep. My right thumb is acting up again, frozen and when it does start to move clicking andmy arm ackes! BUT I didn't let it ruin my day!!
I went to my noon meeting, Tradition 5, was a great meeting!! After meeting hubby and I went to garden center to pick up more flowers and dirt. We came home and worked in yard rest of day. YES my arm is killing me right now. BUT it was all worth it!! I made a slide show for you all to see.
I made BBQ chicken on the grill and has left over beans and rice with it. So now we are watching Met game and I just wanted to post this.
Have a wonerful evening!
Remember no matter how bad you feel, God is alwasy with you cheering you on!! I know if it were not for od I would have sat around feeling sorry for myself today. And what better medicine then to work outside and plants all the beautiful flowers and listen to the birds chirping!
Life is wonderful!
God Bless
Peace,hugs and Love Donna
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Beautiful day-5/26/10
9:28 AM
Good morning, and what a beautiful one it is!
Going to be a hot one , though, so hubby and I are headed to the beach for the day.
I spent Mon into Tues. at my parents. Dad was suppose to have a stress test, but his insurance won't cover it till 2 year mark, it is only 18 months. So we spent time just sitting on couch and watching movies. Mom is really bad, worst I've seen. She was nasty and refused to eat. She slept a great deal as well. I am sure she is depressed, due to the Parkinson's and having her life stolen from her. I feel so helpless and know all i can do is spend time with them and Pray a lot! Dad was so happy to have my company! We made dinner Mon night together, spaghetti , meatballs ans sausage. It turned out yummy! Mom ate some of that. I am grateful I am able to go spend this time with them!
Well my banana bread was yummy!
Going to be a hot one , though, so hubby and I are headed to the beach for the day.
I spent Mon into Tues. at my parents. Dad was suppose to have a stress test, but his insurance won't cover it till 2 year mark, it is only 18 months. So we spent time just sitting on couch and watching movies. Mom is really bad, worst I've seen. She was nasty and refused to eat. She slept a great deal as well. I am sure she is depressed, due to the Parkinson's and having her life stolen from her. I feel so helpless and know all i can do is spend time with them and Pray a lot! Dad was so happy to have my company! We made dinner Mon night together, spaghetti , meatballs ans sausage. It turned out yummy! Mom ate some of that. I am grateful I am able to go spend this time with them!
Well my banana bread was yummy!
I froze 2 , we ate one and I gave dad one.
Well that's about all for today.
Here is the the song of the day!
Well that's about all for today.
Here is the the song of the day!
Smile and remember how blessed you really are!
Love, blessings & Love Donna
Grateful for;
having a loving , forgiving God in my life
another day
my husband
my sons
my family
Smile and remember how blessed you really are!
Love, blessings & Love Donna
Grateful for;
having a loving , forgiving God in my life
another day
my husband
my sons
my family
time spent with parents
special friends
beautiful flowers
for so many things!
Life is wonderful no matter what!!!
Thank you all for being a part of my life, I love you
special friends
beautiful flowers
for so many things!
Life is wonderful no matter what!!!
Thank you all for being a part of my life, I love you
Gratitude should go forward, rather than backward.
I am very grateful that my Higher Power has given me a second chance to live a worthwhile life. Through Alcoholics Anonymous, I have been restored to sanity. The promises are being fulfilled in my life. I am grateful to be free from the slavery of alcohol. I am grateful for peace of mind and the opportunity to grow, but my gratitude should go forward rather than backward. I cannot stay sober on yesterday's meetings or past Twelfth-Step calls; I need to put my gratitude into action today. Our co-founder said our gratitude can best be shown by carrying the message to others. Without action, my gratitude is just a pleasant emotion. I need to put it into action by working Step Twelve, by carrying the message and practicing the principles in all my affairs. I am grateful for the chance to carry the message today!
Happy Sunday-5-23-10
10:08 AM
Good Morning and Happy Sunday!
I am finally going to be able to make Church today Yippee! lol I haven't been to church in over a month due to parties and being sick. I MISS IT!
It is overcast with rain showers at times. High 67F. Chance of rain 50% YUCK! I was hoping to plant the flowers we bought today. I was going to do it yesterday, but on the way home from meeting I stopped at kohl's and before you knew it the time flew by lol. I had 2 gifts cards to spend and I spent almost the whole thing. I got 3 new shirts, a pair of shorts, 2 bra's ( to much info? lol ) and a gift for hubby for Fathers day.
I am finally going to be able to make Church today Yippee! lol I haven't been to church in over a month due to parties and being sick. I MISS IT!
It is overcast with rain showers at times. High 67F. Chance of rain 50% YUCK! I was hoping to plant the flowers we bought today. I was going to do it yesterday, but on the way home from meeting I stopped at kohl's and before you knew it the time flew by lol. I had 2 gifts cards to spend and I spent almost the whole thing. I got 3 new shirts, a pair of shorts, 2 bra's ( to much info? lol ) and a gift for hubby for Fathers day.
OH and on the way home I saw little baby geese, and of course I had to stop and take pictures lol.
Time I got home it was to late to start working in yard, as we had a ballgame for 4;00. Hubby was working in the yard when I got home and I helped him a bit, he was putting the cedar mulch down.
The Robin in the bush by my bedroom window had 4 eggs in it. I told hubby to move his chair as she wasn't in it. He forgot about the nest.
The ballgame was good till it poured on us in the 8th inning and they put the tarp down, so we left. We had hour and half drive home. It was the Somerset Patriots game, they played Lancaster Barnstormers and we WON, 3-2.
Well today after church I plan on making White Bean Banana Nut Bread , I found it on another blog and the lady said it is delicious! So will see. It is a way of sneaking in veggies and high fiber, which I am trying to do. I try to eat as much high fiber as i can , as the Dr said ti would help the IBS, will see. I will let you know how it comes out. After that I want to finish the flower box I am making.
I bought a cam and got a great deal! It was $49.99 and I got it for $29.99. Wooohoo It works great! I got it as my friend is out in Minn. for 3 months as her hubby, as I have mentioned had a serious operation.( John had his pancreas removed and the islet of Langerhan removed from the pancreas and graphed onto his liver. He will also have his spleen removed.) This way we can talk and see each other, which makes her feel not so alone out there!
My friend Andrea wrote me an email; "John is out of ICU and in a private room. His pain is being managed well. He has walked with a walker about 30 feet - 4 times. He is having trouble sleeping but is sleeping right now. That is how I have a minute to write. He keeps me very busy! Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and support. We truly appreciate it." SO I want to thank all of you as well for praying and to please keep praying for them. Thanks! Well that's all for now.
God Bless
Peace, Hugs and Love Donna S
The ballgame was good till it poured on us in the 8th inning and they put the tarp down, so we left. We had hour and half drive home. It was the Somerset Patriots game, they played Lancaster Barnstormers and we WON, 3-2.
Well today after church I plan on making White Bean Banana Nut Bread , I found it on another blog and the lady said it is delicious! So will see. It is a way of sneaking in veggies and high fiber, which I am trying to do. I try to eat as much high fiber as i can , as the Dr said ti would help the IBS, will see. I will let you know how it comes out. After that I want to finish the flower box I am making.
I bought a cam and got a great deal! It was $49.99 and I got it for $29.99. Wooohoo It works great! I got it as my friend is out in Minn. for 3 months as her hubby, as I have mentioned had a serious operation.( John had his pancreas removed and the islet of Langerhan removed from the pancreas and graphed onto his liver. He will also have his spleen removed.) This way we can talk and see each other, which makes her feel not so alone out there!
My friend Andrea wrote me an email; "John is out of ICU and in a private room. His pain is being managed well. He has walked with a walker about 30 feet - 4 times. He is having trouble sleeping but is sleeping right now. That is how I have a minute to write. He keeps me very busy! Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, and support. We truly appreciate it." SO I want to thank all of you as well for praying and to please keep praying for them. Thanks! Well that's all for now.
God Bless
Peace, Hugs and Love Donna S
Where does the time go? 4-26-10
10:27 AM
Can you believe May is coming to a close soon?? Where does the time go ? I do know i try to enjoy each day as it comes!
My friend Virginia was down for a visit with her parents, who lives in a different village, 6 mins from me, and we got to spend all day Saturday together. I was grateful I was feeling better, first day! We hit the motherload of garage sales over in Pinebeach, where my sponcee lives. There were so many we couldnt hit them all. We got a lot of great buys!
I just had a overnight stay with my parents.Dad had heart Dr Monday and now needs a stress test. It has been 18 months since he had one. So that will be next Mon and Tues. Another sleep over. I do enjoy every minute I get to spend with them!! Mom wasn't to good this visit. I hate Parkinson's and what it is doing to my mom. I see what a toll it is and has been doing to dad.
Today we have Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High around 70F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Yesterday was rainy and cold! 55F. It is only 54 right now. Tomorrow is going to beautiful 79' and Friday is going to be in the 80's WOOOHOOOO .
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day!
God Bless
Poor dad didn't feel good while I was there, stomach issues. He was glad I was there to look after mom. The aide is useless! All she does is get mom up and dressed and put her to bed.
She brings the meds to her and trys to give them to her but dad or I end up doing it. Mom refuses to take them. It is a big project! Took me almost a hour to get her noon meds in her. Sad.....
I never got to post the blog I was writing on 4-14. I will post it before I post this one. I left off with the new stomach meds, that I went off all ready lol. It made feel horrible and acted like a water pill. So I stopped taking it. I went back on the old one. The flare has passed so i feel pretty good. I have the Rheumy Dr today. I went for blood work last week, so I will be getting the results of that and also pick up all my lab work Ive had with her.I want to keep a record of it all. I decided by Sept I am filing for SS DI. I looked into it all and found out all what i need. I got some paper work all ready and all the Dr's info of past and there #'s. I realized after this last flare there is no way I can hold a job down. I want to , I really miss working!!
My friend Virginia was down for a visit with her parents, who lives in a different village, 6 mins from me, and we got to spend all day Saturday together. I was grateful I was feeling better, first day! We hit the motherload of garage sales over in Pinebeach, where my sponcee lives. There were so many we couldnt hit them all. We got a lot of great buys!
I just had a overnight stay with my parents.Dad had heart Dr Monday and now needs a stress test. It has been 18 months since he had one. So that will be next Mon and Tues. Another sleep over. I do enjoy every minute I get to spend with them!! Mom wasn't to good this visit. I hate Parkinson's and what it is doing to my mom. I see what a toll it is and has been doing to dad.
Today we have Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High around 70F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Yesterday was rainy and cold! 55F. It is only 54 right now. Tomorrow is going to beautiful 79' and Friday is going to be in the 80's WOOOHOOOO .
That's all for now.
Have a wonderful day!
God Bless
Happy Friday-5-14-10>posted 5-19-20
10:05 AM
Happy Friday!!
Today is a good day! I am starting to feel better, although the fatigue has yet to lift. The new stomach meds has yet to kick in, Dr said it would take some time. I am just happy it is the week end! Even though I am not working at this time, I love the week ends! Today I have my noon Step Meeting and then what ever I feel up to doing , just might be napping, as like I said I cant shake this horrid fatigue! Yesterday I was able to go food shopping and even went for a walk with hubby. I pushed myself, I was glad I was able to do it, although it was hard and he saw it. I came home and laid down the rest of the night. ( well reclined on my couch) My pain level went down as well. Although today it is overcast and rained some so the normal pain is here.
I started out on Facebook saying good morning, looking at pictures of my friend Sandy and then I was searching out Seaside Heights pages to post that Seaside Heights was rated one of the 10 tops beach's! I live 25 mins away from there.Then as I was searching the seaside heights pages I saw a site on the pinelands in NJ. Driving Jersey: The Pine Barrens ,Very interesting!! We live in the Pines area also known as Pineys. We have only lived here 3 years this August, but i feel like Ive been here for ever! I grew up in the country setting of Parsippany, NJ before it was made into a city like area YUCK! ----I gotta go pick up my friend for meeting will finish this later lol ---
5-19-10--Never finished Blessings to all
Today is a good day! I am starting to feel better, although the fatigue has yet to lift. The new stomach meds has yet to kick in, Dr said it would take some time. I am just happy it is the week end! Even though I am not working at this time, I love the week ends! Today I have my noon Step Meeting and then what ever I feel up to doing , just might be napping, as like I said I cant shake this horrid fatigue! Yesterday I was able to go food shopping and even went for a walk with hubby. I pushed myself, I was glad I was able to do it, although it was hard and he saw it. I came home and laid down the rest of the night. ( well reclined on my couch) My pain level went down as well. Although today it is overcast and rained some so the normal pain is here.
I started out on Facebook saying good morning, looking at pictures of my friend Sandy and then I was searching out Seaside Heights pages to post that Seaside Heights was rated one of the 10 tops beach's! I live 25 mins away from there.Then as I was searching the seaside heights pages I saw a site on the pinelands in NJ. Driving Jersey: The Pine Barrens ,Very interesting!! We live in the Pines area also known as Pineys. We have only lived here 3 years this August, but i feel like Ive been here for ever! I grew up in the country setting of Parsippany, NJ before it was made into a city like area YUCK! ----I gotta go pick up my friend for meeting will finish this later lol ---
5-19-10--Never finished Blessings to all
It a New Day-5-10-10->just finally posting this
9:27 AM
5-12-10--Well I just want to update this as i was to sick to finish and post this the other day. I was in a horrible flare, the worst Ive had in a long time! Thanks to hubby and God I was able to make it through Mother's Day to enjoy with my son's and one son's girlfriend.
Wow it has been a week since I posted...hum time flies when your having fun! Well I think I was having fun..... I do know by Thursday I ran out of one of my meds. I called the drug store and they called Dr for refill and by Friday I was sick. By Saturday STILL NO MEDS! Dr never called it in. I was upset as this isn't the first time i ran out early. They had me thinking I was taking to much, which I wasn't. Sat I got loud with the drug store and told hubby . Hubby later told me it was the Dr's fault. He isn't giving me enough pills to last the month. I was very very upset at this, which doesn't help how i am feeling. SO, today I will be calling DR and making an appointment to talk to him!! I slept most of Fri and Sat away, which made my back go out, OUCH!
-5-12-10- I finally got my Meds Monday after hubby called Dr and told them they made a mistake in counting lol I am so grateful to have my husband in my life today!! He is a God sent! If not for having God in my life and the tools He has given me, I would have been a mess during this horrid flare, but I prayed, cried lol and talked to God in between sleeping as my pain level was threw the roof and my back went out! By Monday night I started to feel better and was able to sit up, but still by Tuesday i was weak. Today Wed I had to go for an Endoscopy, so here I sit even weaker! I am very fatigued but my pain level is down and I can sit up. What an AWESOME God I have in my life who helps me get through all the trials I have to face with my illness!! TY
Happy Mother's Day, and I want to stay in bed and sleep, my pain level is on real and I just want to cry! Which I did ! Hubby bought me a plant with beautiful flowers! We saw them in the store the other day and i was admiring them. I didn't open his card till later in the day after our son's left. It made me cry. Our son's came down as did my one sons girlfriend. I felt so lousy and cried most of the morning , which doesn't help lol Also I knew I wanted to call my mom and that upset me as I know she has no clue what day it is. I fell asleep for a while and then called my dad and talked to him and he said she was having a a bad morning the tears started to fall down my face. I told him how i was and he felt bad for me. I did talk to mom and said happy Mothers Day to her and she thanked me, then she went into a gibberish yammering about God only knows. Funny thing, she said to me , that i did understand was, "you crying?" OH MY...I said "NO,it is my allergies." she bought that, phew! I don't want her to know I was sick. The call was brief and I was glad. I had to muster up energy to get ready as the boys were coming for noonish. Well they got here and i was almost ready. My youngest son saw i wasn't feeling well.
He gave me a basket with plants with flowers in it so I can keep and my other son his girlfriend and her daughters gave me a pillow and a big card with snoopy that opened and played the peanuts song. I perked up seeing them . We went to a BlueClaws ballgame. We dressed warm as it was very windy and cold. I made it through the game and we came back here and took pictures and they left. I guess it was 6:00, as the game went extra innings and we left in the 11th. We saw later it went 15 inning,Lakewood wins 12-11 in 15 innings. I was so glad we left when we did, as I so wanted to go home and lay down! All in all we had a wonderful day , in spite of mt illness!! I LOVE seeing my sons and spending time with them, even if they sat and talked to hubby the whole time LOL and I sat and talked with my sons girlfriend, we had a great time!!
God Bless, peace, hugs and Love Donna
5-12-10--So here it is Monday and i am still not feeling well. My back is killing me and my head is hurting and I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep! but because my back hurts so bad no way i can lay down any more right now, so I got heating pad on my lower back and hoping I can sit here for a while. I did go out already as i was suppose to get blood work, BUT the place was mobbed and no way i could have lasted. So I will go tomorrow, no biggie!
Wow it has been a week since I posted...hum time flies when your having fun! Well I think I was having fun..... I do know by Thursday I ran out of one of my meds. I called the drug store and they called Dr for refill and by Friday I was sick. By Saturday STILL NO MEDS! Dr never called it in. I was upset as this isn't the first time i ran out early. They had me thinking I was taking to much, which I wasn't. Sat I got loud with the drug store and told hubby . Hubby later told me it was the Dr's fault. He isn't giving me enough pills to last the month. I was very very upset at this, which doesn't help how i am feeling. SO, today I will be calling DR and making an appointment to talk to him!! I slept most of Fri and Sat away, which made my back go out, OUCH!
-5-12-10- I finally got my Meds Monday after hubby called Dr and told them they made a mistake in counting lol I am so grateful to have my husband in my life today!! He is a God sent! If not for having God in my life and the tools He has given me, I would have been a mess during this horrid flare, but I prayed, cried lol and talked to God in between sleeping as my pain level was threw the roof and my back went out! By Monday night I started to feel better and was able to sit up, but still by Tuesday i was weak. Today Wed I had to go for an Endoscopy, so here I sit even weaker! I am very fatigued but my pain level is down and I can sit up. What an AWESOME God I have in my life who helps me get through all the trials I have to face with my illness!! TY
Happy Mother's Day, and I want to stay in bed and sleep, my pain level is on real and I just want to cry! Which I did ! Hubby bought me a plant with beautiful flowers! We saw them in the store the other day and i was admiring them. I didn't open his card till later in the day after our son's left. It made me cry. Our son's came down as did my one sons girlfriend. I felt so lousy and cried most of the morning , which doesn't help lol Also I knew I wanted to call my mom and that upset me as I know she has no clue what day it is. I fell asleep for a while and then called my dad and talked to him and he said she was having a a bad morning the tears started to fall down my face. I told him how i was and he felt bad for me. I did talk to mom and said happy Mothers Day to her and she thanked me, then she went into a gibberish yammering about God only knows. Funny thing, she said to me , that i did understand was, "you crying?" OH MY...I said "NO,it is my allergies." she bought that, phew! I don't want her to know I was sick. The call was brief and I was glad. I had to muster up energy to get ready as the boys were coming for noonish. Well they got here and i was almost ready. My youngest son saw i wasn't feeling well.
He gave me a basket with plants with flowers in it so I can keep and my other son his girlfriend and her daughters gave me a pillow and a big card with snoopy that opened and played the peanuts song. I perked up seeing them . We went to a BlueClaws ballgame. We dressed warm as it was very windy and cold. I made it through the game and we came back here and took pictures and they left. I guess it was 6:00, as the game went extra innings and we left in the 11th. We saw later it went 15 inning,Lakewood wins 12-11 in 15 innings. I was so glad we left when we did, as I so wanted to go home and lay down! All in all we had a wonderful day , in spite of mt illness!! I LOVE seeing my sons and spending time with them, even if they sat and talked to hubby the whole time LOL and I sat and talked with my sons girlfriend, we had a great time!!
God Bless, peace, hugs and Love Donna
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5-12-10--So here it is Monday and i am still not feeling well. My back is killing me and my head is hurting and I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep! but because my back hurts so bad no way i can lay down any more right now, so I got heating pad on my lower back and hoping I can sit here for a while. I did go out already as i was suppose to get blood work, BUT the place was mobbed and no way i could have lasted. So I will go tomorrow, no biggie!
Been awhile...
9:56 PM
Well time flies when your having fun lol. Last post I wrote I was going to the Gastro Dr, well I went and it all turned out OK. I did like him and he sat and listened and we talked. He is concerned about me losing weight. He actually looked at the records from my old Dr back north WOW. He wants me to have an endoscopy which is going deep into the small intestines, he had a name for it, but i don't remember. I go this coming Wed. I get put to sleep , best
part of the test lol.
Sunday,my Motherinlaw and I went to my nephew Nikolas's First Holy Communion, it was a wonderful day, long ride there and home but we had fun! I also made my amends to my sis and brother in law. About 6 months ago we got in an argument online, that's why i don't like talking online to much as words get read wrong! Well all is OK now between us. Thank you God for giving me the strength to make the amends!
OK already, can we go so I can get out of this monkee suit lol
It was also my nephew's 8th Birthday. A double blessing!!
I took some photos of the family that was there.
I got a nice shot of my mominlaw and Sisinlaw Nadine
I got a nice shot of my mominlaw and Sisinlaw Nadine
here's my nephew Nik and I, it was so great to see him, as it has been over 2 years since we last saw him.
Monday I took my motherinlaw to Dr and then we went to dollar store & payless ( it was BOGO lol ) As we were out hubby called to tell me my dad called and was very upset about mom. So I gave him a call, which is a blessings today as years ago he would have never called me to talk nor would I've called him back. He was glad i got back to him so fast and we talked for a while. I told him I would come up if needed and sleep over, but he said he felt better knowing he got a Dr's appointment and I would be there in the morning to go with them. Mom has been getting these seizure like episodes and they have been lasting longer and longer. Well r said any little infection makes the Parkinson's worse. So he gave dad a scrip for blood work an urine test. We went out for lunch and foodshoping as they usually go Mondays. We had mom in wheel chair as she was so very weak. It turned out to be a good day, no episode's. ( seems when u go see the Dr u always feel better lol ) I was glad when it was time to go home as I was so tired! My fatigue has been so bad!
I listened to Toby Mac CD on the way home and I really like this song, "Face of the Earth", I have never listened to the whole CD. I am glad I did as really the whole CD is great!
We had pizza for lunch
and then we walked the whole boardwalk.
It was a nice time, but we both were tired when we got back. I went outside and layed in chase lounge and returned a call to my friend Carol/sponcee. She just recently found out she has breast cancer. So we chatted a long time, as we don't get to talk much since I moved. It was so wonderful to catch up. She finally joined face book! So we will be able to chat more often online, as we use to use aim/AOL messenger but I don't have it anymore and even though my Gmail account has it but I don't usually go there.
Well that's all for now
God Bless
Peace, hugs and love Donna
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