Mindy McCready "I'm Still Here" from Celebrity Rehab
8:10 PM
Mindy McCready "I'm Still Here"
I just started watching this show this year. My husband has watched it for since it aired. I didn't understand why he would watch it after all the years of living with me, an active alcoholic. I guess in the back of my mind all the years of hurt I caused him and my son's, I juts couldn't figure out why he would watch it. So I asked him, and he likes it and it doesnt bring back any bad memories as he see's how far I have come and that I am Not that person anymore. Tears came to my eyes when I he answered and tears just came to my eyes now. I was saved by grace! The grace of God! I should have been dead many times! So we both now watch the show and are able to talk bout things from our past and how things are now. We both have come a long way! Concidering we met when I was 14 and he was 20. We grew up together, or I should say he stcuk around while I grew up lol. We've both grown since that day I came into recovery in 1999 and believe me it was a rocky first 5 years!, but, we got through it! We are closer now then wev've even been! and I thank God each and every day for saving me from myself!
When I hear this song the other night OMY did I cry!! even hubby got choked up. I pray for those who are that show and those who walk back out. I pray for the still sick and suffering in and out the rooms each and ever day & night!!
God Bless♥♥
Thank you to all who stood by me over the years and helped me see. I might not have saw what you were talking about then but in time I clicked! I love you and I will always be here for you!!
I just started watching this show this year. My husband has watched it for since it aired. I didn't understand why he would watch it after all the years of living with me, an active alcoholic. I guess in the back of my mind all the years of hurt I caused him and my son's, I juts couldn't figure out why he would watch it. So I asked him, and he likes it and it doesnt bring back any bad memories as he see's how far I have come and that I am Not that person anymore. Tears came to my eyes when I he answered and tears just came to my eyes now. I was saved by grace! The grace of God! I should have been dead many times! So we both now watch the show and are able to talk bout things from our past and how things are now. We both have come a long way! Concidering we met when I was 14 and he was 20. We grew up together, or I should say he stcuk around while I grew up lol. We've both grown since that day I came into recovery in 1999 and believe me it was a rocky first 5 years!, but, we got through it! We are closer now then wev've even been! and I thank God each and every day for saving me from myself!
When I hear this song the other night OMY did I cry!! even hubby got choked up. I pray for those who are that show and those who walk back out. I pray for the still sick and suffering in and out the rooms each and ever day & night!!
God Bless♥♥
Thank you to all who stood by me over the years and helped me see. I might not have saw what you were talking about then but in time I clicked! I love you and I will always be here for you!!
Rambling of my mind
9:37 PM

I got new glasses-

I went to the rheumatologist today. Kind of a check up from 3 weeks ago to see how it was going with therapy for my shoulder. I explained to her that therapist said it looks like it is router cuff that's the problem and should get a MRI. Well she agreed. I told her i would finish out the next 2 weeks and see how it is then. She wasn't to thrilled. I have one of the top Rheumy Dr's around but man she has NO personality! What ever not my business as long as she helps me which she seems to be doing. OK then she talked bout if it is router-cuff I would have to see a Orthopedic Dr and might need surgery and asked how i felt bout all this, I said well if I need it i will have to do it, no that I want to. I said my insurance company is the one not going to be happy lol. She also wants me to get more blood work & find a Neurolgist. I left there drained!
I had yet to go home and get my motherinlaw as she also was getting new glasses. I got home to find no where to park as the guy we had come fix our roof on 2 season porch was there and hubby had his car pulled out so he could find wet dry vac, so i had to park in middle of finger ( like a cul de sac) . Then i get inside and asked to hubby to call his mom and say i am on my way, I took my meds and then as i am ready to leave I remembered I had to do my unemployment OK so I went into my room and turned on computer and went to site to find out it is down , OK so I had to call and I am not a fan of that as I usually get a call and it interrupts the whole thing, but thank God I got it done, my last one. God only knows what will come after this!! I am in no shape to go back to work at this point as much as i want to. The I look at the scrips she gave me and realized she forgot to give me one

Life and pain are synonymous. You cannot have one without the other.Pain is a fact of life in this fallen world, and we cannot escape it. In fact, the goal in life is not to get away from the pain of it, but to endure through it, in fact , to triumph over it, while learning the lessons only pain can teach us.
As someone put it, "Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional." Since we cannot get free of pain, the secret of successful living is finding ways to live above the level of misery. Indeed, we must.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but god is the strength of my heart.
Psalm 73:26
OK now I had a choice today to live in the misery or to ask God to help me get past how I was feeling. Which i did, many times. That's what's so great , I can talk to God any time and as many times as I want! I keep that saying in my mind , "Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional." as it is said a lot in the rooms of AA. My Misery can ALWAYS be refunded if I want. Well today I DON'T WANT to be miserable so I remember that saying! and I always turn to God. I am aloud to get crabby! I am human! BUT I don;t stay in it and I been trying not to turn it on my husband. It is something I find I do at times. When we went away this week end for our Valentine Spa day we discussed this and we came to an agreement we both were going to try harder to think before we speak, when we are upset bout something. it nice also today that we can sit and talk bout things. Life is great!! God is awesome!! I thank Him all the time!
My day did start out wonderful with the birds out my window and me takin pictures of them. I got a great shot of a bluejay, there not easy t get a snap shot of. So after you read al this, it is just ramblings of my mind. Like I said My life is awesome! I just have less patience when i am in a flare.
OK movie time with hubby!
God Bless
Cards and Collectibles Show Family business
Hugs and Hope Club for Sick Kids Send some Happy mail
OK now I had a choice today to live in the misery or to ask God to help me get past how I was feeling. Which i did, many times. That's what's so great , I can talk to God any time and as many times as I want! I keep that saying in my mind , "Pain is inevitable. Misery is optional." as it is said a lot in the rooms of AA. My Misery can ALWAYS be refunded if I want. Well today I DON'T WANT to be miserable so I remember that saying! and I always turn to God. I am aloud to get crabby! I am human! BUT I don;t stay in it and I been trying not to turn it on my husband. It is something I find I do at times. When we went away this week end for our Valentine Spa day we discussed this and we came to an agreement we both were going to try harder to think before we speak, when we are upset bout something. it nice also today that we can sit and talk bout things. Life is great!! God is awesome!! I thank Him all the time!

My day did start out wonderful with the birds out my window and me takin pictures of them. I got a great shot of a bluejay, there not easy t get a snap shot of. So after you read al this, it is just ramblings of my mind. Like I said My life is awesome! I just have less patience when i am in a flare.
OK movie time with hubby!
God Bless
Cards and Collectibles Show Family business
Hugs and Hope Club for Sick Kids Send some Happy mail
1 Corinthians 13:3-7
2:29 PM
1 Corinthians 13:3-7 (The Message)
3-7If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
Happy Valentines Day
8:46 PM

Happy Valentines Day to all!!
What a lovely week end I had with hubby! We went to AC for an over night Fri into Sat. We spent Sat. in the spa all day, hot tub, pool, sauna & I even went in the inhalation room. I didn't stay to long in the sauna or the inhalation room as it is way to hot. We relaxed on the lounges and just so enjoyed each others company! We went to dinner at Virginia Buffet . We were back in the room by 8ish. Hubby surprised me with a TY turtle which made me smile big, I LOVE turtles! We both slept pretty good. I woke sat in a slight flare, we left and came home by 11am. I didn't do much the rest of the day as like I said i was in a slight flare. I Sometimes wonder if I can handle having fun with out getting sick LOL. Anyways I took a long nap and hubby rested as well and we got a phone call from his mom and said his sister & her hubby were won and wanted to take us out to eat. Well SURE I wasn't feeling great and didn't really want to cook so YES . We went to the little Restaurant around the corner. Was great seeing them and we all had a nice time. WELL I suffered in the long run and spent the night in the bathroom. OK enough said on that lol.
I woke today with a full blown flare, YUCK!!! So I didn't;t make church like I was hoping. I sat most of the morning watching movies and watching the birds out the window. I did in between sitting down make hubby home made raspberry truffles. They came out YUMMY! I only ate one as like I said food just isn't working. Hubby gave me a card and flowers which were so beautiful! I love him so much and so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life!!!!! Thank You God. We took his mom out to eat, again I didn't have to cook so YES I will go out. We went to Apple Bees. I had a small steak & potatoes. It was on the weight watchers menu not that i needed to watch my weight but it was small and bland. They each had sliders and fies. They also had dessert which I passed on! SO we came home and I hit the couch and took a hour and half nap! I can sleep and sleep when in a flare. I finally went and finished wrapping the truffles and put them in a box and gave them to hubby. He loved them!
Well that's about all for today, hoping I feel better tomorrow!
God Bless ♥
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal
-- John 3:16
Did you know the Bible doesn't just say, "God loves you." Now
don't let me confuse you. Scripture does tell us many times that
God loves us. However, don't miss the important truth here. Each
time Scripture tell us that God loves us, it also demonstrates that
love as well. God's love is more than emotion and intention. God's
love is demonstrated. God loved us so much he didn't just say, "I
love you." God showed his by sending and sacrificing his Son to
give us his incomparable love! We never have to doubt that God
means what he says. He has backed up his promises of love with his
Loving and Almighty God, thank you for loving me. Thank you for
both saying it and showing it. Please know, dear Father, I love
you, too! Accept my words and actions today as a testimony to my
Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

What a morning .....
12:17 PM
It's amazing how you can get carried away from worries and woes and self-concern when you start naming out loud what you're thankful for. Right away your focus shifts from your needs to the Father's graciousness and love.
Try it!
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
Psalm 95:2 NKJV
Oh my how this fits me today! No so much with the worries but woe is me lol. I started the day off in such a fog! It comes from my health issues, but I could not focus on anything and I had things to do and places to be and I just could not focus on any of it to the point I forgot where i was going once in the car and then realizing I left my wallet home when I am in store getting the paper lol and then forgetting how to get home
OH MY. As I did finally focus some I gave a woe is me statement and forgot to even think of God and all He has done for me in my life.
It wasn't till I got home again and realized how thankful for finally focusing and remembered where I was and got home safely, considering all the snow and ice still on some of the streets. Thankful I am alive! and that I have such a loving father who forgives me even when i forget to thank Him. When I do focus on all the things i am thankful for I do forget all the other things going on that just seem so meaningless.
SO I am very thankful for this message today! and for such a wonderful husband who is taking me away over night for a day of spa & relaxation & dinner.
I am so very thankful most of all for such a loving and forgiving Father!!
Have a wonderful day and remember to think of all the good that you have in your life!
Write that gratitude list!
God Bless ♥
Try it!
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
Psalm 95:2 NKJV
Oh my how this fits me today! No so much with the worries but woe is me lol. I started the day off in such a fog! It comes from my health issues, but I could not focus on anything and I had things to do and places to be and I just could not focus on any of it to the point I forgot where i was going once in the car and then realizing I left my wallet home when I am in store getting the paper lol and then forgetting how to get home
It wasn't till I got home again and realized how thankful for finally focusing and remembered where I was and got home safely, considering all the snow and ice still on some of the streets. Thankful I am alive! and that I have such a loving father who forgives me even when i forget to thank Him. When I do focus on all the things i am thankful for I do forget all the other things going on that just seem so meaningless.
SO I am very thankful for this message today! and for such a wonderful husband who is taking me away over night for a day of spa & relaxation & dinner.
Have a wonderful day and remember to think of all the good that you have in your life!
Write that gratitude list!
God Bless ♥
Psalm 34--Hillsong - For Who You Are
9:14 PM
Psalm 34
1 I will praise the Lord at all times.
I will constantly speak his praises.
2 I will boast only in the Lord;
let all who are helpless take heart.
3 Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
let us exalt his name together.
4 I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
6 In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened;
he saved me from all my troubles.
7 For the angel of the Lord is a guard;
he surrounds and defends all who fear him.
8 Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
9 Fear the Lord, you his godly people,
for those who fear him will have all they need.
10 Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry,
but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.
11 Come, my children, and listen to me,
and I will teach you to fear the Lord.
12 Does anyone want to live a life
that is long and prosperous?
13 Then keep your tongue from speaking evil
and your lips from telling lies!
14 Turn away from evil and do good.
Search for peace, and work to maintain it.
15 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right;
his ears are open to their cries for help.
16 But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil;
he will erase their memory from the earth.
17 The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help.
He rescues them from all their troubles.
18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.
19 The righteous person faces many troubles,
but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
20 For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous;
not one of them is broken!
21 Calamity will surely overtake the wicked,
and those who hate the righteous will be punished.
22 But the Lord will redeem those who serve him.
No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
Another snow day
5:05 PM
afternoon my friends.
Praising God for another day . 

It started out as a rainy/sleeting kinda morning. We had snow during the night maybe 2 inches worth. Well it is now snowing, and snowing hard!. I've been sitting here watching movies and watching the birds seeking cover and food. I threw out a bunch of seeds this morn and just before. I took pictures and some movies. I don't know what it is about a snowy day that memorizes me. I have to capture it all! I love taking pictures to begin with. I love watching birds and the squirrels. I got a few good shots which I will share, plus a nice peaceful movie of the snow falling. I could sit an watch it all day, it just relaxes me. Especially knowing I don't have to shovel it . We have maintenance that does all that YEA! Also hubby likes to go play with his snow blower, which I remind him to not over do it, with his back and all I worry. I know it is all in God's hands but still I love him so much .Sometimes I don't think he realizes how much I do worry bout him. I mean one wrong turn, twist an he could be paralyzed. BUT I also know he can't just sit and do nothing as I know from my own pain issues ,I know you have to get up and do something, if only for 15 or 30 minutes.
Oops,there I go staring out the window watching the snow & birds. Oh how peaceful. God has many beautiful , peaceful things for us, aren't we so fortunate? I know I am. I know years ago I didn't see the true beauty of snow and birds , of LIFE! I was too busy being wrapped up in ME. I am so grateful I turned my life over to the care of God in 2005. Life is so amazing !
Oh I said yesterday I was going to make some chicken dish , well hubby and I ended up eating out. We ate at Sonic, which was yummy! I had a chicken club and he had a steak & cheese sandwich. We had a really nice day! We returned the earpiece from my cell phone that didn't work. We exchanged it for another one and got in car an tried it and it didn't work. My phone is ancient, nothing fits it , so no talking in car. I have to check on line , which as fast I say it I forget to do it.
Makes a note to look it up later. I bought sticky notes a few weeks ago, I have one right here, one in my purse , one in the kitchen,one in my Bible and my one in my Big book. I have a lot trouble with short term memory.
Tonight I am making ,Slow Cooker Cheesy Chicken and Tortillas. It smells yummy! I changed it up some to my liking, I am getting better now at this slow cooker thing hehehehe, I LOVE IT! I don't know how I lived with out one all these years!
OH , I also went to the library after therapy yesterday. My books were due and I ordered some on line but they weren't in yet, so I looked around and checked out some cooking books, a sewing book, design book for home repair, and a book to read. I love the library, I get so lost there. BUT I had to make it quick yesterday as hubby was waiting on me.
OK I went on long enough. I pray you all have a wonderful day/night .If you got snow, don't over do it shoveling!! A little at a time!!
God Bless ♥

It started out as a rainy/sleeting kinda morning. We had snow during the night maybe 2 inches worth. Well it is now snowing, and snowing hard!. I've been sitting here watching movies and watching the birds seeking cover and food. I threw out a bunch of seeds this morn and just before. I took pictures and some movies. I don't know what it is about a snowy day that memorizes me. I have to capture it all! I love taking pictures to begin with. I love watching birds and the squirrels. I got a few good shots which I will share, plus a nice peaceful movie of the snow falling. I could sit an watch it all day, it just relaxes me. Especially knowing I don't have to shovel it . We have maintenance that does all that YEA! Also hubby likes to go play with his snow blower, which I remind him to not over do it, with his back and all I worry. I know it is all in God's hands but still I love him so much .Sometimes I don't think he realizes how much I do worry bout him. I mean one wrong turn, twist an he could be paralyzed. BUT I also know he can't just sit and do nothing as I know from my own pain issues ,I know you have to get up and do something, if only for 15 or 30 minutes.
Oops,there I go staring out the window watching the snow & birds. Oh how peaceful. God has many beautiful , peaceful things for us, aren't we so fortunate? I know I am. I know years ago I didn't see the true beauty of snow and birds , of LIFE! I was too busy being wrapped up in ME. I am so grateful I turned my life over to the care of God in 2005. Life is so amazing !
Oh I said yesterday I was going to make some chicken dish , well hubby and I ended up eating out. We ate at Sonic, which was yummy! I had a chicken club and he had a steak & cheese sandwich. We had a really nice day! We returned the earpiece from my cell phone that didn't work. We exchanged it for another one and got in car an tried it and it didn't work. My phone is ancient, nothing fits it , so no talking in car. I have to check on line , which as fast I say it I forget to do it.
Tonight I am making ,Slow Cooker Cheesy Chicken and Tortillas. It smells yummy! I changed it up some to my liking, I am getting better now at this slow cooker thing hehehehe, I LOVE IT! I don't know how I lived with out one all these years!
OH , I also went to the library after therapy yesterday. My books were due and I ordered some on line but they weren't in yet, so I looked around and checked out some cooking books, a sewing book, design book for home repair, and a book to read. I love the library, I get so lost there. BUT I had to make it quick yesterday as hubby was waiting on me.
OK I went on long enough. I pray you all have a wonderful day/night .If you got snow, don't over do it shoveling!! A little at a time!!
God Bless ♥
Circumstances occur that could easily crush us. They may originate on the job or at home or even during the weekend when we are relaxing. Unexpectedly, they come. Immediately we have a choice to make...an attitude choice. We can hand the circumstances to God and ask Him to take control or we can roll it up our mental sleeves and slug it out. Joy awaits our decision.
Who is wise? Let him...
consider the lovingkindness of the LORD.
Psalm 107:43
Boy does this hit home! I still have fall short when it comes to the right choice. I am better then I use to be, which is progress. I also know even if my bad attitude burts out, with out thinking, or looking to God for the right decision, I have another choice to change it , to ask God to help me change, which I do today!
Boy does this hit home! I still have fall short when it comes to the right choice. I am better then I use to be, which is progress. I also know even if my bad attitude burts out, with out thinking, or looking to God for the right decision, I have another choice to change it , to ask God to help me change, which I do today!

A New Day
9:49 AM
Good morning world! Praising God for another day! 
I am sitting here enjoying a hot cuppa coffee
and watching the birds outside my window. I threw some more bird seed out the window and as I did I realized I had more then just birds and squirrels visiting yesterday, I see dear tracks!We have lots of them around here, but they have yet to bother anything in our yard, they usually eat all my neighbors flowers lol. I don't mind their winter visit but I pray they don't come eat my summer veggies and flowers .
I have Therapy today for my shoulder, my 3rd visit. I have to go 2xs a week for 4 weeks. It hurts pretty much right now. I am hoping this helps, next step is MRI and Dr has mentioned OP but I am not having one, I will live with it! I am not going to her this shoulder to begin with lol I am seeing her ( Rheumy Dr) for Fibromyalgia and she has seen 2 times in my blood work and with my symptoms, lupus. I am seeing her for this reason as I know there is more wrong with me then just Fibro. BUT like she said she needs me to do this for my shoulder so it is on paper. OK I am working with her as she is trying to work with me!
So therapy is at 10am and then stop at the library to return my books and pick some up. I ordered some on line yesterday, Not sure all of them will be ready. I LOVE this feature to be able to look at the books on line and pick what i want and have then there for me. Some of the books are at other branches, so like i said they all might not be there. I also want to check out some crock pot cooking books. I just LOVE my new crock pot! I plan on cooking Slow Cooker Lemon Garlic Chicken. I will post it later.
I am knitting a scarf right now, in a pretty baby blue color. It is coming along slowly with this dang shoulder. When it is finished I will post it. I need to post a bunch of crafts I've made over the years that's another whole blog in it self.
They are calling for more snow
we were just hit with 2FT Sat.
Feb 9 Today
A mix of clouds and sun this morning followed mostly cloudy skies and a few snow showers this afternoon. High near 35F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 50%.
Feb 9 Tonight
Snow likely. Low 29F. Winds E at 15 to 25 mph. Snow accumulating 5 to 8 inches.
Feb 10 Tomorrow
Snow along with gusty winds at times. Significant blowing and drifting snow. Temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s. Winds NNE at 20 to 30 mph. Snow accumulating 6 to 10 inches.
YIKES, I best run to the store and get me some bread and milkJK where I live there won't be any as all the older people have scooped it up already Hahahaha. I do need to pick up some chicken bouillon cubes.
To be an imitator of God, requires that we come to terms with the value of quietness, slowing down coming apart from the noise and speed of today's pace, and broadening our lives with a view of the eternal reach of time. It means saying no to more and more activities that increase the speed of our squirrel cage. Knowing God requires that we "be still".
WOW can i denify with that! I can get so caught up in running places and forgetting what I really should be doing, which is slowing down and taking time out for God. Quality time! Not trying to be in 2 places at one time lol! As it is all it does is make me sick, irritable and run down. I forget to look to God and be thankful for what I have.
Today I WILL make time for Him away from the noise and bussle of the world!
Have a wonderful day my friends!! Remember put God above all else, He will be there for you through anything you are going through. Just take the time and see and hear. Life is amazing and I am so very grateful that I came back to Him! I am writing my testomony, but it will be a while before I will post it.
God Bless
I am sitting here enjoying a hot cuppa coffee
I have Therapy today for my shoulder, my 3rd visit. I have to go 2xs a week for 4 weeks. It hurts pretty much right now. I am hoping this helps, next step is MRI and Dr has mentioned OP but I am not having one, I will live with it! I am not going to her this shoulder to begin with lol I am seeing her ( Rheumy Dr) for Fibromyalgia and she has seen 2 times in my blood work and with my symptoms, lupus. I am seeing her for this reason as I know there is more wrong with me then just Fibro. BUT like she said she needs me to do this for my shoulder so it is on paper. OK I am working with her as she is trying to work with me!
So therapy is at 10am and then stop at the library to return my books and pick some up. I ordered some on line yesterday, Not sure all of them will be ready. I LOVE this feature to be able to look at the books on line and pick what i want and have then there for me. Some of the books are at other branches, so like i said they all might not be there. I also want to check out some crock pot cooking books. I just LOVE my new crock pot! I plan on cooking Slow Cooker Lemon Garlic Chicken. I will post it later.
I am knitting a scarf right now, in a pretty baby blue color. It is coming along slowly with this dang shoulder. When it is finished I will post it. I need to post a bunch of crafts I've made over the years that's another whole blog in it self.
They are calling for more snow
Feb 9 Today
A mix of clouds and sun this morning followed mostly cloudy skies and a few snow showers this afternoon. High near 35F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 50%.
Feb 9 Tonight
Snow likely. Low 29F. Winds E at 15 to 25 mph. Snow accumulating 5 to 8 inches.
Feb 10 Tomorrow
Snow along with gusty winds at times. Significant blowing and drifting snow. Temps nearly steady in the low to mid 30s. Winds NNE at 20 to 30 mph. Snow accumulating 6 to 10 inches.
YIKES, I best run to the store and get me some bread and milkJK where I live there won't be any as all the older people have scooped it up already Hahahaha. I do need to pick up some chicken bouillon cubes.
To be an imitator of God, requires that we come to terms with the value of quietness, slowing down coming apart from the noise and speed of today's pace, and broadening our lives with a view of the eternal reach of time. It means saying no to more and more activities that increase the speed of our squirrel cage. Knowing God requires that we "be still".
Be still and
know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 NKJV
WOW can i denify with that! I can get so caught up in running places and forgetting what I really should be doing, which is slowing down and taking time out for God. Quality time! Not trying to be in 2 places at one time lol! As it is all it does is make me sick, irritable and run down. I forget to look to God and be thankful for what I have.
Today I WILL make time for Him away from the noise and bussle of the world!
Have a wonderful day my friends!! Remember put God above all else, He will be there for you through anything you are going through. Just take the time and see and hear. Life is amazing and I am so very grateful that I came back to Him! I am writing my testomony, but it will be a while before I will post it.
God Bless
Slow Cooker Chicken and Sausage Chili
8:12 PM
Today is Superbowl Sunday. I got a new crockpot, well my first crockpot and been having a grand ole time with it ! So I figured for Superbowl Sunday I would try this recipe out and it came out GREAT! You can make it hot if you like, I am not one for hot foods. My hubby added hot sparks to his to make his hot.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!God Bless♥
Slow Cooker Chicken and Sausage Chili
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 7 Hours 15 Minutes
Servings: 8
- 3 (14.5 ounce) cans stewed tomatoes, chopped
- 1/4 teaspoon hot sauce ( if u like it hot I don't use it)
- 3 beef bouillon cubes
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1/2 teaspoon paprika
- 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1/2 red onion, chopped
- 1 pound ground chicken
- 3/4 pound bulk Italian sausage
- 2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste
- 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
- 1/2 cup Mexican shredded cheese ( you can use cheddar, american or what ever you like )
Tostada Chips
2. Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat; cook the red onion in the hot oil until tender. Stir in the ground chicken; cook and stir until completely browned. Transfer the mixture to the slow cooker and return the skillet to the heat. Fry the sausage in the reheated skillet until completely browned and crumbly; add to the slow cooker. Mix the tomato paste and kidney beans into the chili. Continue cooking on High another 2 hours. Switch the heat to Low and simmer 4 hours more. Last 5 minutes of cooking, mix in the cheese. You can also sprinkle it over the chili before you eat it.
I used Tostado Chips to dip in the chili. Scoops work good or the new one, strips.
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